- A. (Currently 5) BOOKS
- B. (Currently 41) PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES & CHAPTERS (from 2000)
Click on images for more information
BOOK 1. Sharwood Smith, M. and Truscott, J. (2014). The multilingual mind: a modular processing perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BOOK 2. Truscott, J. (2015). Consciousness and second language learning. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
BOOK 3. Sharwood Smith, M. (2017). Introducing Language and Cognition: A Map of the Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BOOK 4. Truscott, J. & Sharwood Smith, M. (2019) The Internal Context of Bilingual Processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
BOOK 5. Truscott, J. (2022). Working memory in the modular mind. New York: Routledge.
BOOK 6. (in preparation) Sharwood Smith, M. The Human Mind – A Guide to the Brain’s Software [provisional title]. New York: Routledge
See also Truscott (2024) Related publications
‘MOGUL ERA‘ {2000-2016]
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2013 2014 2015
‘MCF ERA‘ [2017–present day].
2017 2019 2021 2022 2024 forthcoming
Forthcoming (2 Articles/chapters)
- 1.Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J. (forthcoming).The Modular Cognition Framework. In In B. VanPatten, G. Keating, & S. Wulff (Eds.) Theories of Second Language Acquisition. 4th ed. New York: Routledge
- Sharwood Smith, M. , & Truscott, J. (forthcoming ). Explaining change in transition grammars. In J. Herschensohn and M. Young-Scholten (Eds.) A Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2024 (4 Articles/Chapters)
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2024) Applying a functionally specialized processing architecture to yield multilevel explanations of language. Discourse Processes.Published online. doi 0.1080/0163853X.2024.2433897
- Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J. (2024 ) Dangerous Dichotomies and Misunderstandings in L2 Research. Second Language Research. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1177/02676583241276433
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2024).The
place of language in multimodal communication in humans and other primates.. Cognitive Systems Research, 84, 1389–0417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2023.101205 - Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J. 2024. Input processing as an interaction between internal and external context. In Wong, E. & Barcroft, J. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Input Processing. New York. Routledge.
2022 (1 Article/chapter)
- Truscott, J. & Sharwood Smith, M. (2022). Working Memory and the Modular Cognition Framework. In Schwieter, J. & Wen, E. (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language. (636-392), Cambridge University Press
2021 (4 Articles/Chapters)
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2021). The cognitive status of metalinguistic knowledge in speakers of one or more languages. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 24,1: 185-196. https://doi:10.1017/S1366728920000371. ).
- Sharwood Smith, M.A. (2021). Language transfer: a useful or pernicious concept?” Second Language Research. 37, 3, 409-414. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0267658320941035.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2021) Internal context, language acquisition and multilingualism. Second Language Research. Volume: 371, 161-170 https://doi.org/10.1177/0267658319877673
- Truscott, J. & Sharwood Smith, M. (2021; on line 2019). Theoretical Frameworks in SLA. In Benati, A & Schwieter, J. (Eds.). Handbook of Language Learning (pp. 84-108). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
2019 (3 Articles/chapters plus one on line) (see also BOOKS)
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2019). Representing representation: Three perspectives and the case of grammatical gender. In Slabakova, R., Corbet, J., Dominguez, L., Dudley, A. & Wellington, A. (Eds.). Explorations in second language processing and representation (pp. 2-40). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2019). The compatibility within a modular framework of emergent and dynamical processes in mind and brain. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 49: 240-244.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2019) Language attrition as a special case of processing change: a wider cognitive perspective. In Schmid, M.,& Köpke, B. (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Truscott, J. & Sharwood Smith, M. (publihsed on line 2019). Theoretical Frameworks in SLA. In Benati, A & Schwieter, J. (Eds.). Handbook of Language Learning (pp. 84-108). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
N.B. At this point, the (formerly MOGUL) framework, being relevant to the mind in general and so not only about language cognition, was renamed the MCF to make clear its wider scope,)
2017. (4 Articles/Chapters) (see also BOOKS)
- Truscott, J. & Sharwood Smith, M. (2017) Representation, Processing and Code-switching. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, 20, 5, 903-916.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2017) Language and affective processing implemented within a crossdisciplinary conceptual framework. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 53, 1: 43-62.
- Truscott, J. (2017). Modularity, working memory, and second language acquisition: a research program. Second Language Research, 33, 3: 313-324.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2017)) Active-passive bilingualism and functional distance between L1 and L2 explained within a unified cognitive perspective . In Ardila, A., Cieślicka, A, Heredia, R. & Rosselli, R. (Eds.). Psychology of Bilingualism: The Cognitive World of Bilinguals (pp 157-185). Berlin: Springer Verlag
2015 (1 Article) (see also BOOKS)
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2015) On virtual versus real spatio-temporal explanations of linguistic development. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 5, 4: 537-540.
2014 (5 Articles/Chapters) (see also BOOKS)
- Truscott, J (2014) Multiple grammars and MOGUL. Second Language Research 30,1: 75-79.
- Sharwood Smith, M. Can you learn to love grammar and so make it grow? On the role of affect in L2 development. In Aronin, L. & Pawlak. M. (Eds.) Essential topics in applied linguistics and multilingualism. Studies in honor of David Singleton. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2014) Possibilities and limitations of enhancing language input: a MOGUL perspective. In Benati, E, Laval. C. Arche, M (Eds.) The grammar dimension in instructed second language learning (pp. 36-57). London: Bllomsbury.
- Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J. (2014) Explaining input enhancement. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 52, 3: 253-281.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2014) In search of conceptual frameworks for relating brain activity to language function . Frontiers in Psychology. 5:716. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00716.
2013 (2 Articles/Chapters)
- Truscott, J. (2013). The MOGUL framework for SLA. In P. Robinson (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of second language acquisition (pp. 435-436). New York: Routledge.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2013). Only connect: the interface debate in second language acquisition. In Drozdzial, K & Pawlak. M. (Eds.), Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives on second language learning and teaching: In Honour of Waldemar Marton, (pp.27-39). Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.
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2011 (3 Articles/Chapters)
- Truscott, J. & Sharwood Smith, M. (2011). Input, intake and consciousness: the quest for a theoretical foundation. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33:4, 297-528.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2011). Language acquisition as a side effect of language processing. In Language,Interaction, Acquisition, 4 – Special Issue on “Processing of input in SLA”: 171-188.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2011). Crossing interfaces in theory and practice. In Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 1: 94–96.
2010 (2 Articles/Chapters)
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2010). ‘Metalinguistic processing and acquisition within the MOGUL framework. In De Mulder, H., M. Everaert, Ø. Nilsen, T. Lentz & A. Zondervan (eds.) Theoretical Validity and Psychological Reality. pp. 28-42. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Sharwood Smith, M. and Truscott, J. (2010). Consciousness and language: a processing perspective. In Perry, E. , Collerton. D, LeBeau, F. & Ashton, H. (eds) New horizons in the neuroscience of consciousness (pp.129-138). John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
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2008 (1 chapter)
- Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J. (2008). MOGUL and Crosslinguistic Influence. In D. Gabrys (Ed.) Morphosyntactic Issues in Second Language Acquisition Studies (pp.63-85). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
2007 (3 Articles/Chapters)
- Truscott, J. (2007). Optionality in Second Language Acquisition: A Generative Processing-Orientated Account. In International Review of Applied Linguistics 44, 4: 311-330
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2007). Understanding Attrition within a MOGUL framework. In Köpke, Barbara, Schmid, Monika S., Keijzer, Merel & Dostert, Susan (Eds.). (2007). Language Attrition: Theoretical perspectives (pp. 39-51) Amsterdam. John Benjamins
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2007). Revisiting the role of consciousness with MOGUL. In Han, Z. (Ed). Understanding Second Language Processes. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters: 1-15.
2006 (1 chapter)
- Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J. (2006). Full Transfer Full Access: A Processing-Oriented Interpretation. In Unsworth, S., T. Parodi, A. Sorace and M. Young-Scholten (eds.). Paths of Development in L1 and L2 acquisition Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2005 (2 Articles/Chapters)
- Sharwood Smith, M. & Truscott, J.. (2005) Stages or Continua in Second Language Acquisition’: A Mogul Solution in Applied Linguistics 22,2: 219-240,
- Sharwood Smith, M.., (2005). More on the meta mode: in search of deeper explanations for the role of consciousness in second language learning. In Psaltou-Joycey, A. and M. Mattheoudakis (eds). Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki, 11-13 April, 2003. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press pp. 28-42.
2004 (3 articles/chapters)
- Truscott, J & M. Sharwood Smith (2004). Acquisition by processing: a modular perspective on language development,[keynote article] Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 7,1, 1-20 .
- Truscott, J & M. Sharwood Smith ( 2004). How APT is your theory: present status and future prospects. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 7,1: 43-47 [Authors’ response to peer commentaries on 1 (above) by: Derek Bickerton,Susanne Carroll, Ton Dijkstra & Marco Haverkort, Julia Herschensohn, Michael Harrington, Brian MacWhinney, Manfred Pienemann and Tom Roeper].
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2004). In two minds about grammar: On the interaction of linguistic and metalinguistic knowledge in performance. Transactions of the Philological Society, 102,3: 255-280
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- Sharwood Smith, M.(1979) Sample program for simulating transfer (Note: this led to the 1979 publication: no. 28 in the previous section)
- Sharwood Smith, M. (1980) The language learner as a value-assigning system: learning and performance as wheeler-dealing with the real world.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2009) A MOGUL perspective on consciousness.
- Sharwood Smith, M. (2017) The human psychome: a modular cognitive map (to be made available)
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D. (Applied and Theoretical)
- Truscott, J. 2024. Input. Cambridge Elements Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Westergaard M (2021) Microvariation in multilingual situations: The importance of property-by-property acquisition. Second Language Research 37(3): 379–407.https://doif.org/10.1177/0267658319884116.
- Liang, L., Sharwood Smith, M., Chondrogianni, V., & Chen, B. (2017). The Pre-attentive L2 Orthographic Perception Mechanism Utilized by Bilinguals with Different Proficiency Levels. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1357. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01357
- Marsden, H, Whong, M and Gil, K-H (2018) What’s in the textbook and what’s in the mind: polarity item any in learner English. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 40(1), 91-118. doi:10.1017/S0272263117000018.
- Bamyacı, E. (2016) Competing Structures in the Bilingual Mind: A Psycholinguistic Investigation of Optional Verb Number Agreement. Berlin: Springer.
- Breuer, E. (2014) First Language versus Foreign Language Fluency, Errors and Revision Processes in Foreign Language Academic Writing.
- Sharwood Smith, M. , Truscott, J. & Hawkins, R. (2013). Explaining change in transition grammars. In J. Herschensohn and M. Young-Scholten (Eds.) A Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (pp. 560-580). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Whong, M. (2011) Language Teaching: Linguistic Theory in Practice. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Yacoub, M. (2015) Review of Consciousness and Second Language Learning. The Linguist List , 26.5367.
- Hulstijn, J. H. (2007). Fundamental issues in the study of second language acquisition. EUROSLA Yearbook, 7, 191-203.
- DeHaven, M. R.(2016)I nput Processing and the Teaching of German Two-way Prepositions. PhD dissertation.
- Agiasophiti, Zoe (2011) An empirical psycholinguistic investigation of input processing and input enhancement in L1 English. .University of Newcastle.
- Forsberg, F. & Bartning, I. (2010). Can linguistic features discriminate between the communicative CEFR-levels? A pilot study of written L2 French . Communicative proficiency and linguistic developmen EUROSLA MONOGRAPHS SERIES 1, 133-158
- Chepyshko, R. (2010). Semantic Category Effects in L2 Vocabulary Learning:A Mogul Perspective. M.A.Thesis. Tsing Hua University
- Agebjörn, A. (2021). Learning of Definiteness by Belarusian Students of Swedish. PhD dissertation, University of Lund.
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E. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS (in chronological order from 2000)
- Sharwood Smith, M 2001. The Unsteady State: an SLA Perspective on First Language Attrition Paper presented on 18-20 Apr 2001 at the Third International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB3), Bristol, UK
- Sharwood Smith, M. & J. Truscott. 2001.Processing for acquisition: a look inside the Black Box. Paper presented in September, 2001 at the 12th EUROSLA conference, Paderborn, Germany.
- Sharwood Smith, M 2002 Alternative language systems: linguistic versus metalinguistic processing: Paper presented on April 19th, 2002 at the symposium on Theoretical Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, Kolding, Denmark
- Sharwood Smith, M 2002.Language acquisition and the parser: a processing account of development. Conference presentation to be presented on April 27th, 2002 at the Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition GASLA Symposium , Ottawa, Canada.
- Sharwood Smith, M 2002. Look no LAD! Language Acquisition and the UGC Model Presented on 24th April 2002 at the linguistics department’s Lingtea series, York University, Toronto.
- Sharwood Smith, M. 2002. Losing LAD and getting MAD: on acquiring parallel language systems (to appear shortly!!!) Paper presented on June 17th 2002 at Department of Linguistics and English Language Colloqium series. Durham University , England, UK
- Sharwood Smith, M. 2003. More on the Meta Mode: in search of deeper explanations, plenary Powerpoint presentation at the 16th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, April 11-113, 2003, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (forthcoming as an article in “Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the 16th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
- Truscott & M. Sharwood Smith 2000. “Detection failure in second language acquisition”. Paper presented on November 30, 2000 at the Edinburgh University Linguistic Circle
- Sharwood Smith, M. 2004. June 28th , 2004, ‘Stages vs continua in language development: how to square the circle‘. University of Durham , Linguistics Circle Series Presentation
- Sharwood Smith, M. 2004. June 29th , 2004, ‘Stages vs continua in language development: how to square the circle‘. University of York Plenary Presentation, York Linguistics Postgraduate Conference.(see also 9 (above))
- Sharwood Smith, M. 2004. Processing explanations: UG theory’s black hole or missing link? Presentation at the 14th annual EUROSLA conference, San Sebastian, Spain (click here for presentation)
- M. SHARWOOD SMITH 2004 Stages versus continua: theory building in second language acquisition. Invited presentation. University of Southern Denmark. September 27th 2004.
- Sharwood Smith, M. 2004 (see 19) Invited presentation. University of Odense. September 27th 2004.
- J. Truscott, and M. Sharwood Smith. 2005. Poster presentation on code-switching in MOGUL at the International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB5) in Barcelona March 20-23, 2005.
- Sharwood Smith M. 2005 “Language Attrition By Processing: A MOGUL account” .Invited presentation at the 2nd International Conference of First Language Attrition at the VUA (Free University of Amsterdam) August 17-20.
- Sharwood Smith M. . Plenary address at the European Second Language Association conference in Dubrovnik , September 14-17, 2005. Title: SLA – the Next Generation: towards an integrated theory of language acquisition
- Sharwood Smith M. invited to give a plenary address at the Second Language Research Forum at Columbia University, Ohio, October 7-9 2005. Title: Revisiting the role of consciousness with MOGUL
- Sharwood Smith M. . Invited presentation at the Workshop on Models of L1 and L2 Phonetics/Phonology, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, November 8-9, 2005, Title: The Representation of Sound: a MOGUL perspective
- Sharwood Smith M. (December 1st). Plenary presentation ” entitled”Age and near-nativeness in L2 acquisition – a MOGUL account” at the International Symposium on Age and Near-nativeness in L2 Acquisition and L1 Attrition, at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, University of Stockholm
- Sharwood Smith M. (February 16th. 2006) Invited presentation in Colchester for the University of Essex Linguistics Seminar series entitled The MOGUL framework: Merely ‘old wine in new bottles’
- Sharwood Smith M. (March 6th. 2006) Invited presentation at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain: Enhancing Input & Focussing on Form – a MOGUL perspective
- Sharwood Smith M. March 7th. Invited presentation at the University Jaume I in Castellon, Spain: 2006 Enhancing Input & Focussing on Form – a MOGUL perspective
- Sharwood Smith M. (April 18th 2006). Invited presentation at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland at the symposum in honour of Jacek Fisiak: MOGUL and Metagrammar
- Sharwood Smith M. (April 21th 2007) Plenary presentation at IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) conference in Aberdeen, Scotland entitled: “You can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”
- M. Whong. (April 21sth 2007). Melinda Whong (University of Leeds, UK) gives a presentation at IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) conference in Aberdeen, Scotland entitled “Implications of MOGUL for the EAP classroom”
- M. Whong. (May 30th 2007). Melinda Whong (University of Leeds, UK) gives a presentation at the 2nd Symposium on Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition in Edinburgh entitled “From MOGUL to Materials Development: Deconstructing a Curriculum for Its Theoretical Premises”.
- Sharwood Smith M.. (2007) Invited presentation at the 17th European Second Language Research Association conference in Newcastle , September 12-14, 2007. (see 29 below for extended version)
- Sharwood Smith M.. (2007) Invited presentation for the Developmental Linguistics Group, Edinburgh University, November 15th Bridging the Gap between Abstract Knowledge and Real-Time Events (2)
- M. Whong and M. Sharwood Smith give a presentation at the BAAL/CUP Seminar on Conceptualising Learning in Applied Linguisticsentitled Seeking Consensus: Generative Linguistics and Language Teaching
- Sharwood Smith M. . (2008) Invited presentation for the 4th Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation conference in Kazimerz Dolny. Poland entitled: “Understanding translation: a MOGUL perspective“
- Sharwood Smith M. (2008) Invited presentation for the Third Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Newcastle entitled Transfer versus translation
- Sharwood Smith M. (2008) Invited presentation for 18th EUROSLA conference, Aix-en-Provence, September 10th-13th entitled “Telling languages apart: the crucial role of context
- Sharwood Smith. M. (2009) Plenary presentation at the Second Language Processing and Parsing: State of the Science conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. May 21-24, 2009 entitled “A MOGUL perspective on consciousness and input processing”
- Truscott, J. , and M. Sharwood Smith. (2009). “Noticing in MOGUL“. International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Utrecht July 2009
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2009). “Transfer versus Translate” for the International Symposium on Bilingualism University of Utrecht, July 2009.
- Five lectures on the MOGUL framework delivered at the first Generative Studies in Second Language Acquisition Summer School 2009 at the University of Cologne, July 27 – August 7.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2010) ‘Processing-based versus knowledge-based explanations of linguistic variability: a false dichotomy?‘. Invited presentation at the University of Leeds, March 8th, 2010.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2012) ‘The interface between language and cognition: how MOGUL sees processing and acquisition‘. Invited presentation at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, March 16th 2012.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2013) ‘The complex relationship between feeling and acquiring: the affective filter updated ‘ at the European Second Language Association conference in Amsterdam , August 28-31, 2013.
- J. Truscott. (2014) “Meet MOGUL: A Theory of Everything” at the Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Plenary address entitled “Growth in the multilingual mind: implications for foreign language instruction“ at the The International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching (ETA-ROC) Taipei, Taiwan (2014).
- Workshop presentation: Optimising L2 Input: applying Theory to Practice. Workshop at The International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching (ETA-ROC) Taipei, Taiwan (2014).
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2014).The Multilingual Mind: a processing approach. Invited presentation at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 11th November 2014.
- M. Sharwood Smith (2015) Mapping mind and language. Invited presentation. Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM), University of Reading, October 7th (2015) (versions given later at the University Edinburgh (Bilingualism Reading Group and Developmental Linguistics Group and the University of Leeds).
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2016) Mapping mind and language Invited presentation at the Department of Dutch Linguistics, University of Amsterdam on May 27th. 2016.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2017) Expanding explanations: the life cycle of a representation. Invited presentation at the fourteenth Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 14) annual meeting at the University of Southampton, April 7th -9th. 2017.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2017) Modelling the relationship between processing and acquisition. Invited presentation at the symposium entitled Pushing for precision on initial input processing: Are we speaking the same language? The American University of Paris, at University of Paris VIII, St Denis on May 18th-19th. 2017.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2022) Aligning mind and brain. Invited presentation at the June 2022 International Webinar on Cognitive and Behavioral Neurosciences.
- M. Sharwood Smith. (2022) Internal context & the language-blind grammar. Keynote presentation at the June Mini-Symposium at the Aurora Centre, Arctic University Of Norway, UIT, Tromsö
M. Sharwood Smith. (2023) Multilingual development & language-blind grammar. Presentation to the Bilingualism and Developmental Linguistics group at Edinburgh University
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